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On-demand Webinar: VBO Provider Performance

Listen in as Chris Lester, VP of Analytics at CareJourney, Jake Woods, ACO Executive Director at PSW and Jake Hochberg, VP Analytics & Chief Analytics Officer at Arcadia share what’s worked, what hasn’t, and best practices to hold physicians accountable with clinical nuance.

July 17th, 2024|Categories: Webinars|

Arcadia Acquires CareJourney to Enable High-Performing Networks and Value-based Care Success

Boston – June 26, 2024 – Arcadia® (arcadia.io), a leading data platform for healthcare, announced today the acquisition of CareJourney®, a preeminent provider of clinically relevant healthcare data and AI-powered analytics and insights. This strategic acquisition blends Arcadia’s next-generation healthcare data platform, proprietary analytics, and workflow tools with CareJourney’s cost, [...]

June 27th, 2024|Categories: Company News|

On-demand Webinar: Care Management

Despite the complexities of value-based care, healthcare organizations can’t lose sight of the ultimate goal: better care for patients. The best patient experience occurs when patients are proactively managed and routed to care management programs that are right for them.

June 4th, 2024|Categories: Webinars|

How to Drive Proactive Interventions with BCDA Insights

The BCDA is a powerful tool made available by CMS, allowing providers access to timely insights from Medicare claims data. This helps providers facilitate proactive interventions aimed at preventing potential health problems and optimizing healthcare delivery. We’ll explore three ways providers apply BCDA data to drive more proactive care in partnership with Arcadia and CareJourney.

May 22nd, 2024|Categories: Blog|

CMMI Flexing New Primary Care Model

The ACO FLEX model, a new payment model (available to ACOs also within Medicare Shared Savings Program; MSSP) is aimed at primary care, specifically trying to increase access to coordinated care for all Medicare beneficiaries, particularly underserved populations.

May 2nd, 2024|Categories: Blog|
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