Make Smarter Contracting Decisions

Use our comprehensive library of over 2 million physician profiles to get cost, quality, referral, and volume data. Analyze broadly at a county or group level, and narrowly at the provider level to fill the needs of your network and design competitive contract rates, and more.

CareJourney Provider List

Use our analytics platform to:

  • View comprehensive provider profiles to identify the high-value providers to include in your network.
  • Access market intelligence and network affiliations to design competitive contracts for new APMs or existing contracts. Easily simulate the impact of different providers on network performance.
  • Find high-performing providers and practice groups to add to your network by comparing several markets, cohorts, and facilities.
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Discover our enriched, packaged, ready-to-use datasets around providers, patients, and markets

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Begin making smarter contracting decisions with physicians in your region