Innovative Physician Enablement Company Uses Beneficiary Alignment Estimates to Navigate Direct Contracting

This organization operates as both a Medicare Advantage plan and participates in CMS Global and Professional Direct Contracting Model.

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In order to ensure success in achieving their aggressive growth targets for direct contracting in 2022, the organization needed proactive 2022 beneficiary alignment numbers, estimated by CareJourney for the year ahead. They also needed a single source of truth in order to pinpoint specialists for preferred contracting initiatives, and wanted to incorporate CareJourney analytics in their own platform for enhanced support in provider decisions.

How CareJourney Helped

In order to successfully build and optimize networks and improve in-network provider performance, the organization used the CareJourney platform to create profile lists to analyze and benchmark providers of interests. This helped with three key initiatives:

  1. Alignment Estimation – The organization viewed the direct contracting network alignment based on their physician rosters.
  2. Utilization Patterns and Provider Relationships – By identifying providers and facilities seen by aligned patients, the organization strengthened its referrals tool and identified provider networks for 2022.
  3. Planning for success in Direct Contracting – The organization uses CareJourney data and analytics to model key impact drivers for success in direct contracting.


The CareJourney platform unlocked a new perspective on the DCE landscape in the future. Having the ability to prepare for future alignment empowers them to make confident decisions with their network. The tools and dashboards in the CareJourney platform have given the organization valuable provider performance information to use when considering network expansion, and when optimizing cost and quality outcomes with their in-network providers.

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“CareJourney has some of the most comprehensive datasets we’ve seen in the healthcare industry. Their work helps us get a competitive edge when it comes to planning and forecasting, one-off analytics, and managing and tracking the business.

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Principal & Actuary, Direct Contracting